3 Turk saus 13g protein
2 eggs 12g protein
1 slice of swiss cheese
coffee with a little 1%milk and sf syrup
1 Lipo6
2 Fish oil pills
12 almonds 3g
Beef Stew (not sure as to how much protein was in this, my mom made it)
1/2c cottage cheese 14g
1 small tom
1 Lipo6
1 Fish Oil
12 almonds 3g
1 tbs peanut butter 7g
10 rounds of 10 double kb presses w/ 26s (some of these were push-pressed) supersetted with t-bar pulls Less than a minute rest between rounds
5 sets of bicep curls with 26, tried to get 20 in per set
10 diamond pushups on knees
35 super burpees
Chicken burger 22g
slice of swiss cheese
1/4 avacado
sauteed onion and zucc.
Hopefully I got close to the 150g of protein. As soon as I make it to Costco I will be getting the protein powder to help me out with this!
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