Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079


3 Turk saus     13g protein

2 eggs             12g protein

1 slice of swiss cheese

coffee with a little 1%milk and sf syrup

1 Lipo6

2 Fish oil pills


12 almonds 3g



Beef Stew  (not sure as to how much protein was in this, my mom made it)

1/2c cottage cheese  14g

1 small tom

1 Lipo6

1 Fish Oil


12 almonds  3g

1 tbs peanut butter  7g



10 rounds of 10 double kb presses w/ 26s (some of these were push-pressed) supersetted with t-bar pulls Less than a minute rest between rounds

5 sets of bicep curls with 26, tried to get 20 in per set

10 diamond pushups on knees

35 super burpees    



Chicken burger  22g

slice of swiss cheese

1/4 avacado

sauteed onion and zucc.

Hopefully I got close to the 150g of protein. As soon as I make it to Costco I will be getting the protein powder to help me out with this!

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Comment by Jim B on November 8, 2011 at 10:43pm

It is also extremely, extremely important to monitor every gram of carbohydrate.  Less than 100grams per day, and most of that should be immediately after exercise. Don't be afraid of foods that contain omega3 fats. 

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