Boise Kettlebell Lifting

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Took measurements this evening and I'm not going to lie.....pretty disappointed. It is what it is, no excuses. I can choose to wallow in it or choose to make some changes. And I choose to make changes.

-Tracking my protein intake and make sure I'm getting at least 150g in a day.

-Try and get more sleep

-Continue to watch my carbs

-Work my hiney off



3 turk saus

2 eggs w/ 1 slice of cheese

1 Lipo6

2 Fish oil pills


My 2 year old has been quite sick the past couple of days and has been very clingy and  I have been going stir crazy at home so my very wonderful husband gave me some time at lunch so I went on a run. Felt great! Also got in 50 burpees.



Beef stew

cottage cheese with sliced tomato

1 Lipo6

1 Fish oil pill


Coffee with sugar free syrup

bag of veggie chips



Again, disappointed in what I could do tonight. Not sure why I am having such a hard time with squats but it was just not in me tonight.

10 rounds of 10 double kb squats. Did the 1st round w/ double 35s but there was no way I could continue that so I had to scale down to the 26s. Ughhh! Less than a minute between each set.

18 Super burpees (counts as 3 regular burpees) got in my 100 for the day

5 rounds of 8 elevated sumo deadlifts, 1st 3 rounds with the 70 last two rounds with the 62 supersetted with walking lunges across the mat and back. Less than a minute between rounds. Will be feeling this for the next couple of days.



chicken breast with brown rice

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Comment by Pam Benedick on November 9, 2011 at 10:16pm

Thanks guys! Brent, thanks for helping me look at it in that light. I will always be a work in progress, in all areas of my life, the important part is to always get back up after a set-back! I really appreciate your words of encouragement! :)

Comment by Brent Brown on November 8, 2011 at 10:43pm

You're going to rock this!  In my humble opinion, the most important part of your post is the first part of your first sentence "Took measurements this evening..." 


That puts you in the top 5% of the population that is even paying attention to what is going on, setting some goals, and seeking out friends to overcome the challenges with.  The rest (with Jim's help) is just trial and error.  The measurements just told you that the recent plan didn't get the results you wanted.  Awesome!  Of course it would have been "more awesome" if it had worked... :)  But how in the world could you know for sure until you tried?  Your response to the measurements is perfect!  You're incorporating what you've learned, tweaking your plan and trying something else.  It's only a matter of time until you find the sweet spot of nutrition & exercise that fits your schedule and body type.


Great work!  Keeping going!

Comment by Rachelle Lowder on November 8, 2011 at 7:02am

You can do this Pam. It really is about being consistent, which I realize is/can be hard. You can't "half ass" it or your progress will be sloowww and then you get frustrated. Create a game plan and stick with it. I'm rooting for you all the way! =)

Let me know how that Lipo 6 works. Which version did you get?

And I know all about being stir crazy. My husband was gone the last for 4 days in Vegas for a BSU game and next Monday he's gone for 7 day in Texas for work..Boooo....So I feel your pain! =)

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