Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079

100 "burpees" or what I now call kick backs! The burpee without the push-up. Hoping that if I give the wrist a couple days rest I can finish out the month doing normal burpees!



3 turk saus

greek yogurt with applesauce ( a little added stevia)



cheeseburger from McDonalds minus the bun cut up into a side salad with no dressing

sliced apples

probably a total of 10 fries that I ate from the kids meal


CONFESSION: I had a brownie. It was good. Enough said!



Chicken breast lightly seasoned

green beans

mashed cauliflower with a little sour cream and bacon with coconut oil melted over the top  YUMMY!




6 Rounds of:

10 double kb squats with 44s

3 rounds of 6 box jumps, 3 rounds of double kb swings w/26s outside the legs(10)

10 toes to bar/knees to elbows

Super excited that my first set of squats I did all 10 reps without stopping. That is a huge deal for me! YAY ME!! :)

Learned a couple new squat variations tonight. Way cool!


Came home and had a couple almonds

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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on November 16, 2012 at 9:22am

You owned those squats! I was totally impressed by your range. Awesome job!

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