2 Lipo6 for her (just started taking these new ones and upped the amount to 4 a day, didn't really notice a difference as far as jittery-ness)
Went on a run this morning! Had to get my legs working at first but then really enjoyed it!
3 turk saus.
2 fish oil pills
Large green salad w/ toppings
2 Lipo6 for her
10 sets of 10 push-ups on kb's supersetted with ring rows and bent rows with the 53
Bicep curls and diamond push-ups
Did not get in my burpees today.
Hotdog from Costco without the bun
1 bite of cheese pizza
2 small sample bites of cheese (from Costco)
2 drinks of some yummy goodness that they were sampling at the Starbucks in Target
Got the muscle milk protein powder from Costco tonight. Excited to give it a whirl and help my protein intake!
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