Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079


3 turk saus

coffee (a little 1% milk and sf syrup)


String cheese



chicken saus

brocc/cauliflower mix



Handful of almonds



50 overhead walking lunges

50 double kb swings

50 h2h swings

50 double kb front squats

50 sumo deadlift high pulls

50 jump squats

100 yd walking lunges


This workout kicked my butt. I have been not feeling very well the last couple of days and my energy was SO not there tonight. Went a little lighter on the weights than I wanted to but I also wanted to complete the workout still standing!

1 scoop protein powder post work-out



My mom made stroganoff for dinner. I ate the meat and passed on the noodles. Carrots and broccoli with homade ranch.

And then I had some issues.....still too much candy in my house. Had a couple of choc. squares and ate some peanut butter chips. I will be throwing those things away since I can't keep from snacking on them.

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