Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079


3 turk saus

2 fish-oil

1/2 cup coffee



Woke up this morning, got out of bed and about hit the floor. Did something to my hip/lower back. Same area that I have battled before. Not sure what caused it.....felt fine during my workout last night and going to bed. Got up once during the night and didn't have any issues so I am a little confused to what caused it to flare up again. Anywho....decided to go the gym to stretch and foam roll. Glad I did....felt a little better when I left. Still hurting but hopefully it will go away soon!


Practiced Long Cycle Clean and Jerk for awhile with the 26 and 35. Kiddos were OUT OF CONTROL today so my timed sets did not happen.

10 min alternating 5 slow push-ups with 5 fast push-ups with hands coming off floor



Large salad from Idaho Pizza Company...YAY!



Hot dog without the bun from Costco

Couple bites of frozen yogurt


handful of veggie chips....they had a new flavor and I had to check it out! :)

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Comment by Jim B on January 5, 2012 at 10:07pm

Grrrrrr....those veggie chips things.


Glad you felt better after your short workout today.

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