Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079



Didn't get to the gym today, I am feeling over tired and just burnt out.  So, I took it easy :).  30 minutes on the elliptical machine at home, 100 squats, and a long walk this morning with my family.


Food Log:

2 eggs, 1 cup of coffee, 2 turkey bacon slices



3 egg omelette with cheese and turkey sausage, a few carrots



Chicken/fets/spinach sausage, cheese stick, a few carrots


Lunch almost made me sick, I think 3 eggs was too much, so I will maybe just do the white next time so I have the quantity, but not the denseness?  Not really sure :).

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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on September 10, 2011 at 7:27pm

Yes, doing whites only will be a little "lighter". Or try 1 whole egg with two whites. I actually just read today that the yolk in an egg accounts for half of the egg's protein. So while a yolk free omlette might be less heavy in your tummy, it probably won't keep you as full as long.

For me personally, I know that if I do an egg with 2 or 3 whites I have to have a meat protein along with it or I'm hungry again like 2hrs later. The last couple days I've done 2-3 whole eggs and notice a difference in my satiety. =)

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