I have gained about 2lbs of muscle in the past few weeks. Weighed 226 tonight at the end of the night.
Getups and swings or squats? No loss of leanness. Push hard! Getups, getups, getups...
18 Turkish Getups.
16kg-40kg bells x 3. Ran through the rack, starting a new rep each minute. Harder than it sounds.
300 squats and 5 hard Taekwon-Do hyungs.
900 swings/squats left for the month. I may not have time to hit all these until Saturday (gulp). That might be an ugly day.
300mg caffeine
50gr Syntha 6 protein
handful of raw almonds
fish oil
cod liver oil
1 tbsp coconut oil
6 strips of bacon
one chicken breast, fried in bacon grease
hadnful of raw almonds
fish oil
5000iu vitamin D
200mg caffeine
1 tbsp coconut oil
steak covered sauteed red onion and mushrooms
huge baked potato coated in butter and sour cream
huge whole broccoli crown, steamed and soaked in lemon and butter
red wine
fish oil
cod liver oil
About 12am I will hit the zinc, magnesium, B6, and melatonin.
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