Boise Kettlebell Lifting

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Nope. Nothing crazy on the food log today. I don't expect anyone to log everything today, but I am just as a demonstration that it doesn't have to be a sugar fest. The only real cheat here was more wine than I would normally drink, but that was because of an absolutely amazing pino noir we got for the occasion. I think I really like the Napa pinos!(Picture for my later reference on the label)

Everything else consisted of a huge chunk of smoked turkey, a ton of garlic mashed potatoes, and a bunch of roasted jalapenos with cream cheese and bacon. If myfitnesspal is to be trusted on these numbers, I'd say it really was right where I should normally be.

Kind of an interesting experiment in what normal satiety levels are when you pretty much eliminate Standard American Diet foods that artificially stimulate appetite. I just couldn't eat any more. I craved nothing at all in any way. We skipped any sugary desserts and just opted for extra wine for dessert and didn't miss them at all.

This might seem obsessive, but I did weigh myself Wednesday night before dinner. I was 224# and today (11/28) I weighed in right at 224# again.

I fasted from the night before and we ate around 4pm or so. Not much different than usual.

Breakfast N/A Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar

Lunch n/a

Dinner 4pm, until whenever I decided I couldn't eat anymore.
Bacon Wrapped Stuffed Jalapeños With Cream Cheese - Stuffed Jalapeñ... 1,040 16 96 32 1,440 8
Generic - Bbq Smoked Turkey Breast, 16 oz 1,688 0 35 322 2,439 0
Mashed Potatoes - Garlic Mashed Potatoes, 3 serving 684 90 42 15 540 0
Red Wine - Pinot Noir, 19.5 oz 480 9 0 0 0 0
Turkey Pan Drippings - Turkey Fat, 6 tsp (4g) 234 0 26 0 0 0

4,126 115 199 369 4,419 8
Add Food            
Totals 4,126 115 199 369 4,419 8
Your Daily Goal 3,140 393 105 157 2,300 118
Remaining -986 278 -94 -212 -2,119 110
Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar

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