Sorry to slack on these logs. I have been training and keeping track on Kettlebell Inc.'s forum, though. I have been keeping up with the burpees. I slacked Sunday, so I doubled up today.
200 burpees
5 Taekwon-Do hyungs (just focused hard on perfect technique, about 75% power).
2 X 3 @ 405#
2 x 3 @ 365#
1 tbsp coconut oil
3 scoops Muscletech Neurocore
25gr Carnivore protein.
1 banana
4000mg fish oil
cod liver oil
5000iu vitamin D
1 tbsp coconut oil
4 eggs fried in coconut oil
about 4oz of Montana deer meat pepperoni
4000mg fish oil
cod liver oil
200mg caffeine
about 2oz of 85% pure dark chocoloate (this was mainly so I could choke down a handful of creatine monohydrate caps...more on that later)
2 huge bison burgers wrapped in lettuce with bacon, onion, bleu cheese dressing, and avocado. In all I ate a whole huge avocado and then a huge raw broccoli crown, dipped in the bleu cheese, with 6 strips of bacon
about 2oz of 70% pure dark chocholate with 1 tbsp of coconut oil smeared on top
4000mg fish oil
cod liver oil
5000iu vitamin D
At about 1130, I will hit the magnesium, zinc, B6 and melatonin
*Done loading creatine monohydrate. I am so sick of choking that stuff down! I will back off to a minimum dose of about 3mg per day now. I have gained about 4lbs of water weight due to it. Going to see if my jumping and deadlifts feel better for this month on it.
I have used this supplement in the past, because I know it to be safe and effective, but I haven't tried the loading phase in years because I was lead to believe it was not necessary and really just a gimmick concocted by manufactures to sell more product. Some material I have read recently made me decide to give it a loading dose. Normally, I don't supplement with this because I probably get all of it that I need naturally from beef sources.
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