Boise Kettlebell Lifting

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Training Log & Nutrition Summary: Week of May 13th, 2012


I started a new program Tuesday which should produce some mass gains. Mid-range reps with multiple sets and a short rest period between sets. I also started incorporating sprints and heavy deadlifts on alternate days. After 4 days of this, along with my regular workouts, I'm already noticing a difference in terms of leaning down.

I've also made a point to do some foam rolling after my gym workouts.


Sunday, 13th:

- No workout but measurements were done. No real changes after the 3 weeks of heavy squats, deadlifts, presses & pullups. But the point of those 3 weeks was to increase strength (not necessarily mass), which I did, in preparation for the next program.

Monday, 14th:

- Rest

Tuesday, 15th (Start of new 3 week program):

- 20 Snatches per arm w/the 26

- 8 sets of 8 each with 30 seconds rest between sets:

  • Double KB Front Squats with the 35s
  • Ring Pushups for the first 4.5 rounds - Hindu Pushups for the remaining 3.5 rounds
  • Ring Rows

*Took about a 3 minute rest between each exercise. Jim- if I should be taking less time, let me know

Wednesday, 16th:

- 9:30AM

  • Sprints @ 5% incline @ 8mph for 10 minutes: 30 seconds on 30 seconds off

- 1:20PM

  • Deadlifts @ 210lbs for 5x5 with a 2-3 minute rest between rounds

Thursday, 17th:

- 10 Snatches per arm w/the 35

- 8 sets of 8 each with 30 seconds rest between sets:

  • Double KB Front Squats with the 35s
  • Ring Pushups for the first 3 rounds - Hindu Pushups for the remaining 5 rounds
  • Ring Rows

* 3 minute rest between exercises

Friday, 18th:

- 7:05AM

  • Sprints @ 5% incline @ 8mph for 10 minutes: 30 seconds on 30 seconds off

- 5:30PM

  • Deadlifts @ 185lbs for 5 reps
  • Deadlifts @ 215lbs for 5x4 with a 2 minute rest between rounds

Saturday, 19th:

- 8 sets of 8 each with 30 seconds rest between sets:

  • Double KB Front Squats with the 35s
  • Ring Pushups for the first 3 rounds - Hindu Pushups for the remaining 5 rounds
  • Ring Rows

* 3 minute rest between exercises


Sunday was Mother's Day during which I was lax and enjoyed myself. Monday thru Thursday my nutrition was spot on aside from a couple handfuls of tortilla chips. Friday I had a chicken tender sandwich from Carl's Jr at lunch. There was also a retirement party for my Mother-in- law that evening where I allowed myself some cake, one small cookie and a few sips of punch. It's been a long time since I had cake. Today, I had one handful of tortilla chips in the afternoon and a couple bites of a pancake in the morning. Otherwise, my nutrition was clean. A couple days this week I did have a 1/2C serving of oatmeal in the morning. The only thing I really find "threatening" about oatmeal would be the unnecessary carbs. But with the extra work I've done this week, those extra carbs haven't been a negative thing. So, there were some discrepancies, but mostly contained to Friday.

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Comment by Jim B on May 19, 2012 at 9:44pm

All kindsa gains...

Yes, rest between those exercises is fine. You are looking great!

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