Fell off the logging wagon pretty hard . . . but now I'm back with a vengeance! Starting the presses/swings ladder program up again for a run-through with the 40kg -- doing the 3-week version.
Min 1 - 1 Press L/1 Press R
Min 2 - 15 Swings
Min 3 - 2 Presses L/2 Presses R
Min 4 - 15 Swings
Min 5 - 3 Presses L/3 Presses R
Min 6 - 15 Swings
Today's routine: 4 full ladders, no rest, all with a 40kg
Today's location: A2O Fitness
Today's soundtrack: Maylene and the Sons of Disaster
Today's motivation: Jim B's reaction when I told him I was going to do this, "<short pause> . . . You're gonna get strong as f#$%!"
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