Double 62#/28kg KB front squats supper-setted with pull-ups -- sets of 10, 10, 6 (50 sec. rest)
Double 53#/24kg KB front squats supper-setted with pull-ups -- sets of 8, 6, 6, 6, (50 sec. rest)
Double 44#/20kg KB front squats supper-setted with pull-ups -- sets of 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 (50 sec. rest)
Ring Push-ups
5 minutes -- 30 sec. on/30 sec. rest
KB Crush Curls (yeah, really)
2 sets to burnout with 35#/16kg, 28#/12kg, 18#/8kg
There's nothing more savage than burning out doing crush curls with a 18# pink kettlebell :-)
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