Boise Kettlebell Lifting

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Breakfast same ol

Lunch same ol

Dinner was my cheat meal.  Kristie and I had date night so we ate sushi. I had probably about 2 1/2 rolls and a glass of red wine. we also shared some poke. It was freaking yummy, well worth the cheat.

Exercise was a killer upper body workout.

warmed up with some rowing sprints.

21-15-9 reps for time of:
Handstand Push-ups which I modified to 115 overhead press
Ring Dips which I modified to regular dips that turned into jumping dips
Push-ups which I had to modify to knees.

Post WOD was 3 rounds of banded PVC pipes up right rows 15 reps, 10 sit-ups, 10 toes to bar.

It was a deceptively hard workout. I was slow but grinded it out.

Drank my water and took my supplements.

Have been eating the coconut oil late morning to sustain until workout for the past couple of days. Not sure if it is making a big difference but it's fine.

Got a little more than 6 1/2 hours sleep last night too.

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Comment by Jim B on March 18, 2015 at 4:51pm

Don't be afraid to have some nuts or something with the coconut oil, it is just best not to have something that causes a rise in blood sugar and an insulin spike. Even a little jerky would be fine. Remember that we want that space between meals. A big part of that is just a space between blood sugar and insulin spikes, in order to keep the fat burning process going.

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