A little down time after 10,000 swings in January and a very productive cycle of presses. Got a few tests to do to see how these new programs have worked within the next week or so.
I used the 10,000 swings this year as part of a bigger program, much the same as I stumbled on last year. I have made similar progress. I have no injuries and I am stronger. That is the bottom line.
All this has driven home a basic tactical principle I learned years ago: Have a plan. Keep the plan very simple, and stick to the plan.
The more complicated a plan is, the more things that can go wrong. Also, don't wait for the "perfect" plan to materialize. If you wait for things to be perfect, that moment will not come. 80% right is about what you can hope for. Jump on it that second. Don't hesitate.
This is true in life, combat, emergency service operations and in training. Something to think about for a while.

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