Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079





- Cup of coffee with 2T whipping cream and a tiny bit of coconut extract


- 2 slices of thick cut bacon

- 2 large eggs + 1 large white, cooked in bacon fat and seasoned with ground pepper & a little Tapatio sauce


- Can of tuna mixed with 2T mayo, 2 chopped celery stalks, 2 sliced garlic & onion petite dill pickles, ground pepper, 1tsp finely grated parmesan & a 1/4tsp each of the following: onion, curry & garlic powder, dried dill & dried parsly

(Here's the recipe I pulled this from. Didn't like the curry in it much.)

- 2 big carrots


- 3 big bites of full fat cottage cheese

- Slice of sharp cheddar

- Half a medium banana

6:30PM (Post-Workout)

- 16oz bottle of low fat chocolate milk


- Beef patty seasoned with ground pepper on a little romaine & topped with a slice of sharp cheddar, 3 oval pickle slices, ketchup (no HFC) mustard and a little ranch for fun =)






- Sprints on Treadmill

  1. Warmup @ 3.5mph for 5 minutes
  2. Sprint @ 8mph on a 5% incline for 10 minutes: 30 seconds on 30 seconds off
  3. Walk @ 3.3mph on a 0% incline for 5 minutes
  4. Sprint @ 8mph on a 7% incline for 10 minutes: 30 seconds on 30 seconds off
  5. Cool down @ 3.3mph for 3 minutes

- 30 Knees to Elbows

(Felt antsy after not working out for 2 days. HAD to do something this morning!)


- 100 Double KB Front Squats with the 44s: 12 sets of 8, 1 set of 4 (1 minute rest between sets)

- Walking Lunges: Length of soccer field and back (Aprox 120 yards total)

- Calf Raises: 1 set of 30 seconds per leg, 1 set of 45 seconds with both legs

- Romanian Deadlifts with a 44lb bell: 6 sets of 10 (30 seconds rest between rest)

(Did my workout on the field today while my son had his Taekwondo class. Didn't want to interrupt class to grab a heavier bell for the deadlifts)


* A great slide show displaying muscle building foods (of course those following Paleo, would omit the grains & lentils). I would also add tuna to this list as well

Views: 19


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Comment by Rachelle Lowder on September 9, 2011 at 8:31am

Thanks! Um yes, I was wiped.

And it's no problem!

Comment by Jim B on September 8, 2011 at 10:36pm
Nice job Rachelle! I did not see your workout, but I did note that you had very little left. Thank you for posting all your great information.

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