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- Cup of coffee with a single serving creamer
- 3 egg omlette cooked in coconut oil with about 1C seasoned ground grass fed beef, a little cabbage, hot sauce & grated cheddar folded in
Ok, I made another batch of chocolate chip cookies for my boys. After having a lovely discussion with a dear friend about the need for balance within ourselves and our own lives and not trying to live to another standard others may be holding us to, I decided I was going to have balance with eating one cookie. Overall I had 4. They were small and even with eating those, I didn't screw myself in the carb department.
Now, I know I just went into a full speel the other day, but don't worry, I quickly came to my senses. Almost immediately after consuming that 4th cookie, I saw this post in my news feed on Facebook:...(continued below)
When I saw this, my immediate thought was "What are you doing? You have GOALS!" Now, I could beat myself up over those cookies like I normally would, but this time is different because my mindset is different. No sympathy from anyone please as eating those cookies wasn't on the usual impluse, it was done with purpose. Another reason why I loved what was said in that picture is because while sympathy and understanding is great at times, other times when you screw up, what you need is someone to shove their foot up your butt and tell you to get your crap together. =) Moving on...Moving forward...
(P.S. That above photo is totally my new desktop wallpaper!) ;)
- 50g chocolate whey protein
- 2T peanut butter
7:10PM (Post-Workout)
- 1C lowfat cottage cheese with 1/2 a sliced cucumber and one sliced roma tomato. Seasoned with ground pepper
- Can of yellowfin tuna (no soy) mixed with a little mayo, sweet relish, mixed greens salad mix and chopped iceburg
I just realized when logging my last meal that I probably seem contradictory in regards to my paranoia about soy, because I use mayo. Mayonnaise is the only item I use that does contain soy, but I use it so sparingly that I'm not concerned
- Double KB Presses with the 26s supersetted with Bent Rows using the 35: 10 sets of 10
- Snatches: 120 Double KB Half Snatches with two 26s & 80 single handed snatches with the 26
- 200= 3,600 Snatches Remaining
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