Boise Kettlebell Lifting

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- 2 eggs fried in butter

- Several pieces of bacon

- 2C kale sauteed in butter with garlic powder, salt & pepper

- 8oz organic raw kombucha- "multi-green" flavor


- One small bite of some jerky chocolate

- 1.5 squares of 99% cacao chocolate


- 18 medium shrimp, 4 sliced mushrooms, a handful of sliced baby carrots cooked in 2T pastured butter with minced garlic, oregano & basil. Poured over half a 12oz bag of broccoli slaw and sprinkled sesame seeds on top (yummm)

- 2 Brazil nuts


- A few kale chips (tossed in EVOO and seasoned with a little garlic salt & ground pepper)


- Handful of baby carrots with almond butter

7:10PM (Post-workout)

- Chicken Stirfry: Chicken and mushrooms with asparagus stirfry

- One granny smith apple nuked with butter, cinnamon and a pinch of brown sugar


- A small bowl of fruit salad


- 2 squares of 99% cacao chocolate

** Pizza and ice cream has been on the brain today, but not enough to break down and buy them. Although judging from the 'sweet' things I had today, I'm clearly substituting.



- 100 Double KB Thrusters with the 35s (Had to drop down to the 26s for the last 25 reps as my strength was giving out and my form was suffering)

- 60 Pullups

  • This was done in 40 minutes doing 5 thrusters at the top of the first minute followed by 3 pullups the next. Repeat for 20 rounds

*Total beat-down...And the plan is to do this for 3 weeks. This will be awesome for the whole body as well as rebuilding my pullup ability. By week 3 I should be doing 5 pullups each time.

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Comment by Jim B on March 27, 2012 at 10:24pm

Love it!

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