Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079

After almost 4 weeks of feeling blah I FINALLY think I'm on the up and up! YAY!!!



3 Turk Saus

coffe with 2% milk  and sugar free carmel syrup



Chicken salad with carrots, cucum, tom.


Handful of almonds



10 Ladders of double kb presses with 26s super-setted with pull-ups on the 2, ring-rows with the 3 and high pulls(or whatever they're called) with the 53. I also did 10 burpees between each ladder set for a total of 100. Not sure I will do that again. But at least I got them in!

2 mini candy bars following my workout  (Usually my girls get candy that I don't really care about at Halloween but this year they got tons of choc. bars....MY, it will all be thrown away tomorrow. I am having a hard time resisting)


Homeade beef stew! YUM!!!!

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Comment by Brent Brown on November 3, 2011 at 9:44am
Yay! Great to hear that you are feeling better!
Comment by Rachelle Lowder on November 2, 2011 at 9:23pm
So glad you are feeling better!!! And have you seen my logs the last couple days? It's been sugar crazy..LoL! And I think if anything, those little candy bars do serve as a great post workout carb. That's what I'm going to use the last of the ones we have for. =)

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