Boise Kettlebell Lifting

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Nutrition/Training Log: November 9, 2012



- Cup of coffee w/creamer


- Protein Pancakes: 1/4C garbanzo beans ground into flour, 1/2C egg whites, about 1/2tsp psyllium fiber, cinnamon, truvia, baking powder & vanilla extract. Cooked in a little olive oil spray & topped with a 1/3 of a small banana thinly sliced & a little sugar free syrup. (I wasn't excited about the flavor. It wasn't horrible, but not great. I think adding more flavor to the batter via extracts will help jazz it up and mask the bean flavor)


- Marinara chicken & pasta: A chicken breast cooked in a spray of olive oil & minced garlic. Added chopped mushroom and a little over a cup of broccoli florets until cooked/hot. Tossed with 1/2C (1oz or 1/4C dry) cooked brown rice penne pasta & 3T Classico Vodka sauce. Lightly salted


- 1C plain Greek yogurt mixed with about 1/2 a can of pure pumpkin puree, pumpkin pie spice, cinnamon, a little vanilla protein powder (about a tsp) truvia & a few extra dark chocolate chips for fun =)


- Half planned cheat meal of Carl's Jr (looks like this weekend will have to contain one or two more cheat meals rather than having a Sunday "Funday")

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