Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079

Sleep last night 9:00p-4:50a

Nap 7:00a-9:00a


A bowl of green vegetables (brussels, kale, etc), a carnivor protein shake with almond milk


20oz latte with almond milk


red bell peppers, mixed greens + spinach, a small amount of vinaigrette, a plate of bacon, roasted broccoli, a small cup of roasted butternut squash


Training: DOL swing and push up double ladder 

I swung (is that a word??) 40#s on the sets of 6 and 10 and 35#s on the sets of 14# and 30#s on the sets of 20. 


more bacon, butternut squash, turkey breast, a quarter of an avocado, a slice of cheese

Views: 22


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Comment by Jim B on April 15, 2015 at 7:37am

How about seeing how you feel during training? If you feel like you really drained yourself, and are looking at glycogen stores for your next training session, then go for it and we'll see how your body responds to it.

Comment by Zoe Anderson on April 15, 2015 at 4:51am
Thanks, Jim. That's helpful. I'm still planning on including white rice after training session today. Is that still a go even though my carbs are higher than 100 Monday and Tuesday?
Comment by Jim B on April 14, 2015 at 10:44pm

Those DOL swings will mess you up! Just saw this post. Great to see scaling back a little on the training. It was quite a bit. Remember this is a process and these logs are for your reference. Let's see how things go this week.

Comment by Zoe Anderson on April 14, 2015 at 8:56pm

59g fat, 130g carbs 116g protein

Again, a little surprised at how fast my carbs are adding up. It's the butternut squash, which is a good source, but still... :/

Also, my legs have never been sore from swings. Ever. But morning after this training with the heavy DOL swings, my legs were actually sore. Weird :) Hamstrings, low back, a little bit into the glutes. 

This is the only training I'm planning on doing this week besides light jogs and walks. 

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