50 x 44# KB overhead walking lunges (15L, 15R, 10L, 10R -- continuous)
20 x double 88# KB front squats (2 sets of 10)
30 x double 70# KB front squats (2 sets of 15)
50 x double 70# KB outside leg swings (sets of: 15, 15, 10, 10 -- stupid idea . . . really)
30 x 53# KB hand-to-hand swings (2 sets of 15)
10 x 62# KB hand-to-hand swings
10 x 70# KB hand-to-hand swings
50 x 106# deficit sumo high pulls (two 45# plates under each foot -- sets of: 15, 15, 10, 10)
50 jump squats (sets of: 15, 15, 10, 10)
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