Well, it's day five. So far, so good. There is one problem though. I woke up in jail this morning. It seems that sometime during the night, someone broke into DK Donuts on State Street in Boise. They arrested me because I was outside the shop screaming something about not knowing that all leftover donuts were given to the women's shelter at close of business and how unfair it was that a person can't even find a day-old donut at 3:00am.
I will continue to deny my involvement and plan to plead not guilty at my arraignment which is in about 15 minutes. On a brighter note, I seem to have lost some weight although the exact amount is unknown because although I have several scales at home, it appears someone had taken a sledgehammer to all of them. Since Rachelle said I could eat bacon and eggs; for breakfast the jailer gave me powdered eggs and fried squirrel bacon. It was delicious. If they eat this good in here every day, I might change my mind and plead guilty. However, hopefully I will be sprung in time for KB on Easter Sunday. I plan to do 100 Peeps slams. You all know what Peeps are, don't you ? I will continue to fight the good fight and suggest you do the same.
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