- Five minutes of half-getups @ 16kg
- Five ladders of two-handed swings & presses
- Swings eight reps @ 20kg
- First and second rungs of presses @ 20kg
- Third rung @ 16kg
Water: 0.5 gallon
8:00a - Noon:
Two eggs, round steak, onions, peppers
Organic hot salsa
Black coffee
1000mg fish oil, 500mg calcium, 250mg magnesium
2200IU vitamin D, Opti-Men multivitamin
Noon - 4:00p:
Salmon & tuna sashimi (no rice)
Mixed green & red grapes
Handful of beef jerky
Iced coffee
1000mg fish oil, 500mg calcium, 250mg magnesium
200IU vitamin D, Opti-Men multivitamin
4:00p - 10:00p:
Mixed fruit
Veggie omlet (broccoli, mushroom, onion)
Two sausage links
1000mg fish oil, Probiotic, Now super enzymes
Natural Calm Magnesium Citrate
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