Boise Kettlebell Lifting

Sponsored by Idaho Kettlebells. (208) 412-6079

Day #6 of detox



3 chicken saus



Went to Idaho Pizza for lunch.......had a large green salad with lots of veggies and some cheese and sunflower seeds. A little bit of a hard time not having dressing but it was ok. REALLY missing my soda today! Did have one slice of canadian pizza toppings pulled off the crust and cut up on my salad. Tried to get off as much sauce as I could.



worked on sport class today. Had a really hard time today. No strength. No energy. Guess we all have those days but they sure suck!


Cheese stick



Hamburger patty with cheese, sauteed onions, avacado, tomato, lettuce

a little cottage cheese


handful of almonds




I realize that I probably had too much cheese today.  Will try to dial that down!

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