Boise Kettlebell Lifting

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Sorry I was not able to get this in yesterday. Having some long stressful days at work.  I am going to give you the cliff notes version as I am short on time this morning as well.

Breakfast and lunch are virtually the same as the previous days. Last night's dinner was a bit smaller but I really was not all that hungry.  Probably due to all the chaos at work.  I just ate a chicken breast and a very small amount of broccoli with bacon as a side.  I also forgot my fish oil and vit d yesterday with lunch and dinner.  Otherwise I got my morning fish oil and evening pills before bed.  I'll try and do better today with my fish oil and vit d.  I have been drinking my gallon of water each day as well. Last couple nights of sleep have been 6 1/2 hours.  I feel better energy wise both yesterday and today so far.

Exercise yesterday was 15 min EMOM

minute one: 20 handstand head touches

minute 2: Lsit hold for 15 seconds

minute 3: 45 sec weighted elbow plank

minute 4: 15 toe to bar

minute 5: 3 wall walks

repeated 2 more times for a total of 15 minutes.

We also did a strength workout prior that was 4 rounds of 3 reps of strict shoulder press

As a side note I feel like my cardio sucks big time, so I think I need to start incorporating some sprints and short runs on the weekends.

Let me know if I missed anything

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Comment by Jim B on March 12, 2015 at 8:30am

Looks like a good log!

Cardio is largely activity specific, but I think some of of the training at my gym might help. With that. Or I can make a few recommendations. Hill sprints seem to be a good add on for lots of people.

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